Raised Vegetable Beds Picture Gallery
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Starting seeds - brussels sprout seed germinating

Welcome to my raised vegetable beds picture gallery!

So! What exactly is raised bed vegetable gardening anyway?

It's simple! It's just growing your vegetables above the level of the ground in a framed structure - see, that was'nt hard was it. ;0)

Raised vegetable beds are ideal for small plots, yards or gardens. They keep weeds that grow along pathways from getting into your raised veggie beds and soil compaction is a thing of the past because you don't need to walk on it - or even dig it... yippee!

Why no digging because all that is needed is to keep the raised garden bed topped up with compost, rake over the top and let the worms do the rest - they create the perfect soil structure and drainage.

Raised beds also create a better managed area for pest control as covers are easily erected over them using a frame structure.

Tomato Plants

Of course raised gardening beds are not just for small areas. They can be used in any sized area leading to more vegetable plants being grown (bigger vegetable harvests) with easier management of your vegetable planning, planting and growing.

Because raised vegetable beds raise the soil level, this has the benefit of reducing the strain on your back and the pain caused by bending or kneeling - I suffer with a painful back and I would'nt grow vegetables any other way.

The framed structure of your raised plant beds can be constructed from many types of material including wood, concrete blocks, bricks or recycled plastic. A large variety of raised bed structures can now be bought in kit form and are both pleasing to the eye and pocket - they are very good value too considering the amount of satisfaction and vegetable produce you will get from them!

Don't forget to click on the smaller picture to enlarge it.

See Raised Vegetable Beds Pictures...

Raised Vegetable Beds

Starting To

Raised Vegetable Beds

Turfing Out
The Old Sod

Raised Vegetable Beds

A Birds
Eye View

Raised Vegetable Beds

I Dig Those
Beds Man!

Raised Vegetable Beds

Establishing The

Raised Vegetable Beds

Fitting The

Raised Vegetable Beds

Taking It

Raised Vegetable Beds

Now There
Are Two

Raised Vegetable Beds

Not Exactly

Raised Vegetable Beds

It's Not
Rocket Science

Raised Vegetable Beds

It's Been
A Year!

Raised Vegetable Beds

Let's Do
That Again

Go here for more info on raised vegetable beds and where you can purchase quality beds made from sustainable timber.

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